Diseases that Harm Require Therapies that Harm Less

---Sir William Osler(1849-1919)
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ISMIVS Newsletter November&December, 2024
Newsletter 2024 November & December
About Us 国际微无创医学会简介
The International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery (ISMIVS, previously known as International Society of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine) was founded in July 2013 at the gala of the 1st Yangtze International Summit of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine in Chongqing, China. ISMIVS envisions to accelerating the progress in minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine by promoting research, education, communication, and international collaboration.
国际微无创医学会(ISMIVS)是在 2013 年 7 月在中国重庆召开的第一届国际微无创医学长江高峰论坛上宣布成立的,旨在通过学术研究、教育、交流以及国际合作加快微无创医学的发展。
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Ideas about Young ISMIVS 医路青春专访栏目
Ideas about Young ISMIVS
In July 2023, the Young ISMIVS Committee was formally established in order to respond to the development trend of minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine, and further consolidate the core group of young physicians.
As the youth force of the new era in the field of minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine, the Young ISMIVS Committee carries the important mission of enlightening medical innovation and leading the development of this field. It will become a solid pillar to promote the breakthroughs in minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine to new heights through its unique vitality and profound deposits.
In medicine, a group of passionate young physicians, who harbor the love and persistence for minimal invasiveness and non-invasiveness, keep exploring and moving forward. They are the members of the Young ISMIVS Committee, who contribute to the development of this field with their enthusiasm and wisdom.
In conjunction with Da Yi Wei Ke, we are now introducing the first interview show – Ideas about Young ISMIVS. Let's get closer to this group of young doctors, listen to their stories on the path of minimally invasive and non-invasive medicine, feel their passion and persistence, and witness the bright future together.

Ideas about Young ISMIVS with:
Dr. Zhang Cai, M.D.
Chongqing Haifu Hospital

-Secretary General of Young ISMIVS Committee
- Director of the Clinical Research Center of Chongqing Haifu Hospital
- Deputy Director of the Medical Research Center of the National Engineering Research Center of Ultrasound Medicine of China
- Member of Focused Ultrasound Therapy Committee of Chongqing Medical Association

Notice 通知
The 6th Yangtze International Summit of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine
The Yangtze International Summit of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine started in 2013 and has been successfully held in Chongqing, China 5 times up to 2023, with the participation of more than 3200 domestic and international professionals. This significant academic event aims to share the latest progress made in the field of minimally invasive and non-invasive medicine. Minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments have become the trend of modern medicine, among which the focused ultrasound ablation technology, as a representative technology of non-invasive treatment, is leading the development of minimally invasive and non-invasive medicine, providing a new and better option for doctors and patients.
国际微无创医学长江高峰论坛始于 2013 年,截至 2023 年已在中国重庆成功举办 5 届,共计 3200 多名国内外专家参与。该项重要学术活动,旨在分享微无创医学领域取得的最新进展。微无创治疗已经成为了现代医学的发展趋势。在这些治疗方法中,重庆医科大学研发的聚焦超声消融技术,作为一种无创治疗的代表技术正在引领着微无创医学发展,为医生和患者提供一种新的或者更好的选择。
We're glad to announce that the Summit will be held in Jinke Grand Hotel, Chongqing, China, on June 21 - 22, 2025. Registration is now open, looking forward to seeing you in Chongqing!
我们很高兴地宣布第六届长江高峰论坛将于 2025 年 6 月 21 至 22 日在重庆金科大酒店举行,本次会议已开放注册,期待在重庆与您相见!
The 1st announcement:
Data Release 数据发布
2024 ISMIVS Data Release
2024 年国际微无创医学会数据发布
With the year coming to an end and the New Year right around the corner, ISMIVS wants to say thank you to all of our friends and colleagues for supporting us.
We look forward to a fruitful year full of new challenges and opportunities in the field of minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine, may your new year be filled with happiness, peace and joy.
对微无创医学来说,2024 年是充满挑战和机遇的丰收之年,祝愿您新的一年万事顺遂,阖家辛福。
Follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn to explore more up-to-date events:
关注我们的 Facebook 或领英账号,获取最新活动信息:
Follow us on YouTube to explore past meetings of 2024:
关注我们的 Youtube 账号,回看 2024年所有会议:
New Perspective in Focused Ultrasound 聚焦超声新视角
Analysis of related factors influencing postoperative recurrence of adenomyosis treated with HIFU
ultrasound treatment for multiple uterine fibroids
This article analyses the efficacy of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for adenomyosis and postoperative recurrence and its influencing factors.
We collected clinical and follow-up data from 308 patients with adenomyosis who were treated with HIFU. The recurrence of adenomyosis and the efficacy of HIFU at 6 months after surgery were followed up.
我们收集 308 例接受高强度聚焦超声治疗的子宫腺肌病患者的临床及随访资料,随访子宫腺肌病术后 6 个月复发情况及高强度聚焦超声治疗的疗效。
HIFU can effectively relieve dysmenorrhea and reduce menstrual volume in patients with adenomyosis. After HIFU, the combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy is a protective factor for relapse.
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Tech Update in Gynaecological Endoscopy 妇科腔镜技术最新进展
Feasibility, safety, and clinical outcomes of modified laparoscopic cervicoisthmic cerclage for refractory cervical insufficiency: A single-arm clinical trial — Part 1
改良腹腔镜颈峡环术治疗难治性宫颈功能不全的可行性、安全性和临床结果:单臂临床试验 - 第1部分
To assess the feasibility, safety, and outcomes of modified laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage in patients with refractory cervical insufficiency, the author published this single-arm clinical trial that enrolled 30 women at a specialized center in Japan between December 2017 and May 2022.
为了评估改良腹腔镜经腹环扎术治疗难治性宫颈功能不全患者的可行性、安全性和结果,作者于 2017 年 12 月至2022 年 5 月在日本的一个专业中心发表了这项单臂临床试验,30名女性参与其中。
The modified laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage was technically successful in all cases. The delivery rate and fetal survival rate at 28 days in the third trimester were both 93%. A surgical complication involving a small bowel injury occurred in one case and was promptly repaired.
改良的腹腔镜经腹环扎术在技术上都是成功的。妊娠晚期 28 天分娩率和胎儿存活率均为 93%。手术并发症包括小肠损伤 1 例,并及时修复。
This study demonstrated the feasibility and safety of modified laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage for refractory cervical insufficiency. The study findings highlight the importance of anatomical precision during thread placement in modified laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage. This technique is promising for treating refractory cervical insufficiency and potentially preventing second-trimester losses and extreme preterm births.
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