Diseases that Harm Require Therapies that Harm Less

---Sir William Osler(1849-1919)
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ISMIVS Newsletter March&April, 2024
Newsletter 2024 Mar & Apr
About Us 国际微无创医学会简介
The International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery (ISMIVS, previously known as International Society of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine) was founded in July 2013 at the gala of the 1st Yangtze International Summit of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine in Chongqing, China. ISMIVS envisions to accelerating the progress in minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine by promoting research, education, communication, and international collaboration.
国际微无创医学会(ISMIVS)是在 2013 年 7 月在中国重庆召开的第一届国际微无创医学长江高峰论坛上宣布成立的,旨在通过学术研究、教育、交流以及国际合作加快微无创医学的发展。
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The Personality in the Medical Education World 医学教育界的大人物
From the 2020 July issue of our ISMIVS Newsletter, we would like to introduce some pioneers in the field of minimally-invasive and noninvasive medicine. They are not only prestigious in their field but also willing to share their experience and ideas with younger doctors, hence making a great contribution to medical education. This issue features Dr. Sigit Pramono from Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, who is a specialist in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics.
从 2020 年 7 月刊开始,国际微无创医学会将为大家介绍微无创医学领域的一些领军人物。他们不仅在各自的领域享负盛名,而且非常乐意与年轻医生分享他们的经验、理念和想法,从而为医学教育做出了巨大的贡献。本期月刊要介绍的是印度尼西亚雅加达阿布迪•瓦鲁约医院的西吉特•普拉莫诺医生。
Dr. Sigit Pramono
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

Board Member, ISMIVS
Honorary Secretary, International Society of Neuropelveology (ISON)

Dr. Sigit is the lead obstetrics and gynecology consultant at Abdi Waluyo Hospital with more than 30 years of experience. He finished his college year in the Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta in 1995 and obtained the fellowship of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricins and Gynaecologists in 2005.
Sigit医生是阿布迪•瓦鲁约医院(Abdi Waluyo Hospital)的首席妇产科顾问,拥有 30 多年的工作经验。他于 1995 年在雅加达印度尼西亚大学医学院完成了大学学业,并于 2005 年获得澳大利亚和新西兰皇家妇产科医学院职业性学位。
Apart from being renowned in the management of women’s health and infertility, he is also well known as a kind and caring doctor well-liked by all his patients. He always encourages his patients and their families to stay positive and optimistic as he believes that miracles do happen.
As the Board Member of ISMIVS, Dr. Sigit has applied high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), a novel technology that ablates lesion without incision or bleeding, since June, 2023. Acting in the benefits of patients, he has helped more than 80 women with HIFU, relieving their pain and protecting their fertility.
作为 ISMIVS 的董事会成员,Sigit医生自 2023 年 6 月起开始应用高强度聚焦超声(HIFU),这是一种无需开刀或出血即可消融病灶的新技术。从患者的利益出发,他已经用 HIFU 帮助了 80 多名妇女,减轻了她们的痛苦,保护了她们的生育能力。
His area of focus includes antenatal care, caesarean section, colposcopy, fetal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, hormonal imbalance, IVF, infertility, insemination, intrauterine insemination (IUI), Irregular menses, minimally invasive surgery, ovarian cysts, pap smear, polypectomy, preconception care and pregnancy, prenatal care, uterine fibroid (leiomyoma), women’s health and well being.

Case Studies 病例分享
While there are clear limitations to the methodology of case studies in the determination of treatment protocol and establishment of new trials, the observation of a single patient can add to our understanding of aetiology, pathogenesis, natural history, treatment option and complications to promote the medical development of a particular disease, and to the clinical practice of potential junior investigators.
The case below was shared by Dr. Wang Xi at the 2024 APAGE-ISMIVS HIFU Series Webinars – Episode 1 themed: Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Cancer
本期病例由王熙医生于 2024 年 APAGE-ISMIVS 联合在线研讨会 "宫颈癌的防治" 上分享。
Patient Info 患者信息
31 years old,persistent HPV52 infection for 4 years
Colposcopy and multiple biopsies showed HSIL(CIN2), ECC (-).
After 3 months of FU treatment, TCT (-), HPV (-), colposcopy and multiple biopsies showed no lesions
Pregnant 8 months after the treatment
Delivered one pair of twins at term
No recurrence after 18 months of follow-up
31岁,感染 HPV52 4年
阴道镜检查和多处活检显示高级别鳞状上皮内病变(CIN2),子宫颈管搔刮术结果为阴性(ECC -)。

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Notice 通知
The Fourth International Training Workshop on Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Tumors
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Therapy
International Training Workshop on Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Tumors provides training courses on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) therapy for clinicians including obstetricians and gynecologists, oncologists, surgeons, interventional radiologists, etc. Collaborated with different institutions worldwide, it has been implemented for 7 sessions since 2012, covering both theoretical training and clinical practice, and having trained 176 doctors from 42 countries. In 2018, this Workshop for the first time went abroad to Cairo, Egypt and continued its overseas education in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2019. As the COVID-19 pandemic had hit the world for nearly three years, the Workshop was restarted on November, 2022 in Malacca, Malaysia.
聚焦超声治疗国际培训班为妇产科医生、肿瘤科医生、外科医生、介入放射科医生等临床医生提供高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)治疗培训课程。自2012年以来,我们与世界各地的不同医院合作,已举办 7 届培训班,为来自 42 个国家的 176 名医生提供理论培训和临床实践。2018 年,该培训班首次走出国门,前往埃及开罗,并于2019年在南非约翰内斯堡继续开展海外教育。受新冠疫情的影响,本培训班于 2022 年 11 月在马来西亚马六甲重启。
This year, the International Training Workshop on Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Tumors will kick off in Manila, Philippines from July 3 to 5, 2024.
今年,聚焦超声治疗国际培训班将于 2024 年7月 3 日至 5 日在菲律宾马尼拉开班。
Number of international applicants 国际培训生名额: 20
The 2nd announcement 第二轮通知:
Free registration 免费注册:

HIFU Special Issue 高强度聚焦超声特刊

We are delighted to announce that the International Journal of Hyperthermia, the HIFU Special Issue (i.e. Volume 38, 2021), which was partially supported by ISMIVS, was officially released in September. The Special Issue includes 15 articles written and reviewed by world-renowned scholars and pioneers in minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine, elaborating on the status and prospects of the clinical applications of high intensity focused ultrasound on tumours that occurred in specific organs. We'll share the 15 articles included in the upcoming newsletters, stay tuned!
Preliminary study on ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation for treatment of broad ligament uterine fibroids
This article is to investigate the feasibility, efficacy and safety of ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablation for treating the broad ligament uterine fibroid (BLUF).
A total of 236 patients with symptomatic uterine fibroids were enrolled and treated with JC-200 extracorporeal ultrasound-guided HIFU under conscious sedation between January 2017 and December 2018. All patients underwent contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) before, immediate post-operation, and six months after the HIFU ablation procedure.
2017 年 1 月至 2018 年 12 月期间,共有 236 例有症状子宫肌瘤患者,在镇静镇痛下接受JC-200体外超声引导HIFU 治疗。所有患者在术前、术后及术后六个月进行增强 MRI(CE-MRI) 对比。
Ultrasound-guided HIFU ablation in the twelve patients was technically successful with one session treatment. The mean NPV ratio of fibroids was 84.08%± 9.4%. There were no severe adverse events and complications associated with the treatment,and the symptoms related to broad ligament fibroids were improved or disappeared. Ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation is feasible, effective, and safe for treating broad ligament fibroids.
超声引导下 HIFU 消融一次治疗12 名患者均获得成功。 肌瘤的平均 NPV 率为 84.08%±9.4%。 未出现与治疗相关的严重不良事件和并发症,阔韧带肌瘤相关症状改善或消失。 超声引导下高强度聚焦超声消融术治疗阔韧带肌瘤可行、有效、安全。
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Tech Update in Gynaecological Endoscopy 妇科腔镜技术最新进展
Pregnancy Outcomes after Laparoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation of Uterine Leiomyomas Compared with Myomectomy
The authors from several states in the US shared their research results on an ongoing multicenter prospective cohort study to compare pregnancy outcomes after laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation and myomectomy.
Among 539 women enrolled in ULTRA (Uterine Leiomyoma Treatment With Radiofrequency Ablation) , a total of 37 participants (mean age at first pregnancy 35.0±4.7 years) conceived 43 times as of March 2023 (22 radiofrequency ablation, 21 myomectomy).
有 539 名女性参加了 ULTRA (子宫平滑肌瘤射频消融术治疗),截至 2023 年 3 月,共有 37 名参与者(平均首次妊娠年龄 35.0±4.7 岁)怀孕 43 次( 22 次射频消融术,21 次子宫肌瘤切除术)。
They found full-term pregnancy and vaginal delivery are achievable after radiofrequency ablation of leiomyomas. However, in this interim analysis, the miscarriage rate in both radiofrequency ablation and myomectomy groups was higher than expected for women in this age group. Long-term data collection in the ongoing ULTRA study aims to further understand pregnancy outcomes after radiofrequency ablation compared with myomectomy.
他们发现射频消融平滑肌瘤后足月妊娠和阴道分娩是可以实现的。然而,在这个中期分析中,射频消融术组和子宫肌瘤切除术组的流产率都高于该年龄组的预期。正在进行的 ULTRA 研究的长期数据收集旨在进一步了解射频消融与子宫肌瘤切除术后的妊娠结局。
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