Diseases that Harm Require Therapies that Harm Less

---Sir William Osler(1849-1919)
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2021 APAGE-ISMIVS HIFU Series Webinars - Episode 2

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With the warm response from our audience after 2021 APAGE-ISMIVS HIFU Series Webinars–Episode 1, the Episode 2 started off as scheduled on August 26, 2021. The mission of HIFU Webinars is to facilitate academic interactions in the new field of noninvasive surgery and promote the technology and education exchange among doctors from different countries and regions.

Chairs of this webinar, Prof. Osamu Tsutsumi, Director of SANNO Hospital, Japan, and Prof. Angela Aguilar, President of Philippine Society of Reproductive Medicine, first gave a short introduction to our four guests and a sincere appreciation for all the participants. Then, Prof. Philippe Descamps from Angers University Hospital delivered his welcoming speech, during which he said that HIFU was a noninvasive and non-drug therapy requiring no radiation and operation for uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, playing an important role for rebuilding women's wellness.
Prof. Chii-Ruey Tzeng, Founder of Taipei Fertility Center (TFC) and President of Taiwan Endometriosis Society, shared current challenges and treatment options of uterine myoma and adenomyosis in fertility management. Prof. Tzeng first analyzed the mechanisms linking different types of uterine fibroids and infertility, and provided corresponding management strategies. And he explained why patients with adenomyosis were not easy to be cured due to CISD2 (a longevity gene), then further compared IVF outcome of 10 adenomyosis cases after GnRHa treatment. Prof. Tzeng concluded that segmental IVF approach and adenomyomectomy should be considered for patients who were poor responders to long-term GnRHa long-term regulation with a treatment diagram of ART in adenomyosis.
Dr. Jordi Rodriguez from Mutua Terrassa University Hospital, Spain, gave a speech themed on HIFU and Fertility. He introduced the working principle of ultrasound ablation and two goals of HIFU treatment for fertile women with uterine fibroids, including the inactivation of fibroid tissues and shrinkage of fibroids with gradual restoration of uterus structure. After that, he compared the pregnancy rate of patients with uterine fibroids underwent laparotomy, laparoscopic surgery and USgHIFU therapy. Based on his clinical experience of treating uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, Dr. Jordi Rodriguez concluded that USgHIFU therapy was an effective and safe technology, and that it seemed to be the first-line therapeutic option for women due to its noninvasive nature.

Dr. Wei-Chun Chen shared his clinical experience using HIFU technology to treat uterine fibroids and adenomyosis in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital of Linkou, and elaborated on the whole process of HIFU treatment with HIFU treatment videos. He ended his lecture with some tips of HIFU treatment for uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, such as using concentrated high-dose energy strategy for myoma treatment and considering average low-dose energy strategy for adenomyosis treatment.



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