Newsletter 2020 October
2020 年 10 月简报
About Us 国际微无创医学会简介
The International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery (ISMIVS, previously known as International Society of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine) was founded in July 2013 at the gala of the 1st Yangtze International Summit of Minimally Invasive and Noninvasive Medicine in Chongqing, China. ISMIVS envisions to accelerating the progress in minimally invasive and noninvasive medicine by promoting research, education, communication, and international collaboration.
国际微无创医学会(ISMIVS)是在 2013 年 7 月在中国重庆召开的第一届国际微无创医学长江高峰论坛上宣布成立的,旨在通过学术研究、教育、交流以及国际合作加快微无创医学的发展。
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The Personality in the Medical Education World 医学教育界的大人物
From the July issue of our ISMIVS Newsletter, we would like to introduce some pioneers in the field of minimally-invasive and noninvasive medicine. They are not only prestigious in their field but also willing to share their experience and ideas with younger doctors, hence making a great contribution to medical education. In this issue, we are going to introduce Prof. Hugo C. Verhoeven and share with you his practices in this field .
从 7 月刊开始,国际微无创医学会将为大家介绍微无创医学领域的一些领军人物。他们不仅在各自的领域享负盛名,而且非常乐意与年轻医生分享他们的经验、理念和想法,从而为医学教育做出了巨大的贡献。本月刊要介绍的医学教育界的大人物是雨果·C·维霍文(Hugo C. Verhoeven)教授,以及他在本领域的医学实践。
Hugo C. Verhoeven, M. D. finished medical school at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium 1978, started residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Louvain University under Professor I. Brosens and continued at the University of Dusseldorf, Germany. Training in Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology was obtained at different medical schools in Europe and the US.
1978年,毕业于比利时鲁汶天主教大学(Catholic University of Louvain)医学院,并在布洛森斯(I. Brosens)教授的指导下,在鲁汶大学(Louvain University)妇产科开始住院医生实习,随后在德国杜塞尔多夫大学(University of Dusseldorf)继续实习。曾在欧美多所医学院接受生殖医学和内分泌学培训。
In 1989, he founded one of the first private centers for Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology in Germany, offering the complete spectrum of infertility treatment. During the next few years, the Center was expanding to one of the leading Centers in the world, performing 3,000 IVF cycles, 5,000 intrauterine inseminations, endocrinology work and endoscopic surgery.
His present position is medical director at the Private Center for Reproductive Medicine, Endocrinology, Genetics and Anti-Aging Medicine in Dusseldorf, Germany. He is Consultant at the Leuven Institute for Fertility and Embryology (LIFE), Leuven, Belgium. He is Consultant at the Southern California Reproductive Center, Beverly Hills, California, USA.
Please see below two articles by Prof. Hugo C. Verhoeven:
Occult Malignancy Rate of 1498 Hysterectomies or Myomectomies with Morcellation: A Retrospective Single-Arm Study.
Feasibility of myomatous tissue extraction in laparoscopic surgery by contained in – bag morcellation: A retrospective single arm study.
News 新闻
ISMIVS launching its online training program
The International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery is pleased to announce the availability of a series of online training courses on the clinical application of noninvasive focused ultrasound therapy. A variety of courses related with ultrasound-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablation of uterine fibroids will enlighten doctors about the physics and biological effect of HIFU, case screening, clinical protocol, anesthesia plan, nursing care, etc. In the meantime, more courses on focused ultrasound therapy of other diseases will be uploaded in the future, please follow us on www.ismivs.org for what you are interested in.
国际微无创医学会很高兴向大家宣布:我们的线上培训课程开始正式上线。课程将涵盖超声引导的高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)消融子宫肌瘤的物理学基础和生物学效应、病例筛选、临床方案、麻醉方案以及临床护理等。同时更多聚焦超声无创治疗其他疾病的课程将陆续上线,欲了解更多,请关注我们的官方网站 www.ismivs.org
The training courses are accessible only to part of ISMIVS members.
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申请成为会员 >
To apply for the training courses,
please contact the ISMIVS Secretariat
Webinar: Recent Advancements in Endometriosis Diagnosis and Management
On October 10, 2020, focusing on the recent advancements in endometriosis diagnosis and management, the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) in conjunction with the African Endometriosis Awareness and Support Foundation invited six clinical doctors from five countries to share their clinical experience and research results on the webinar, among whom Dr. ZHANG Lian, Professor of Chongqing Medical University, China, Secretary-General of the International Society of Minimally Invasive and Virtual Surgery (ISMIVS), introduced noninvasive high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in the management of endometriosis.
Dr. Zhang has performed successful HIFU ablation of adenomyosis, bladder endometriosis, abdominal wall endometriosis and other benign uterine diseases as well as malignant tumors. One of the adenomyosis patients got pregnant 2 months after HIFU treatment and induced abortion and conceived again at 4 months later with full-term pregnancy. HIFU is confirmed in China a safe and effective technique for the treatment of certain types of endometriosis.
Dr. Francisco Carmona from Spain gave the evidence of causal relationship between endometriosis and female infertility and concluded that removal of lesions is beneficial for improving fertility.
Dr. Abayomi Ajayi from Nigeria confirmed in his lecture that IVF can be used in all stages of endometriosis preferably as the first option and 6-12 months after surgery.
Dr. Olarik Musigavong from Thailand introduced the management of endometriomas. Different techniques including excision, bipolar coagulation, or CO2 ablation, etc. are recommended.
For the playback of the webinar, please click the link below:
or http://live.99zigong.com/index.php?g=portal&m=video&a=index&id=977
2020 TAMIG Annual Conference
The Taiwan Association for Minimally Invasive Gynecology (TAMIG) held its annual conference between Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 2020 and introduced the topic of noninvasive HIFU ablation of tumors.
Prof. YING Tsung-Ho, Associate Professor of Department of Medicine of Chung Shan Medical University, was invited to share his five years of HIFU experience in Chung Shan Medical University Hospital. Prof. Ying is proficient in obstetrics and gynecology, perinatal medicine, high-risk pregnancy, laparoscopic surgery and HIFU therapy.
Prof. LEE Keen Whye, Founding Member of the Aia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy (APAGE), was invited to give his outlook on HIFU therapy, "From Minimally Invasive Surgery to Non-invasive Surgery, HIFU is Revolutionary and Disruptive".
For more information about the conference, please visit the website of TAMIG:www.tamig.org
For the playback of the webinar, please click the link below:
https://youtu.be/USQVwDDTkEE or http://live.99zigong.com/Html/video/976.html
Tech Update 微无创技术新进展
Surgical outcomes after colorectal surgery for endometriosis:
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
To assess the impact of type of surgery for colorectal endometriosis –rectal shaving, discoid or colorectal segmental resection–on complications and surgical outcomes, 168 full-text articles in this study were assessed for eligibility, 60 were included in the qualitative synthesis. The 60 studies included in the review enrolled a total of 17,495 patients: 9,673 (55.3%) underwent rectal shaving; 1,510 (8.6%) discexcision; and 6,312 (36.1%) segmental resection.
为了评估病灶刮除、蝶形切除或节段性肠切除三种术式对结直肠子宫内膜异位症的并发症和手术结局的影响,本研究从168篇文献中筛选出60篇进行系统回顾,共纳入17495名患者,其中9673名(55.3%)行病灶刮除;1510名 (8.6%)行蝶形切除;6312名(36.1%)行节段性肠切除。
Rectal shaving appears to be less associated with postoperative complications than disc excision and segmental colorectal resection. However, this technique is not suitable in all patients with large bowel infiltration. Compared to segmental colorectal resection, disc excision has several advantages including shorter operating time, shorter hospital stay and lower risk of postoperative bowel stenosis.
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High intensity focused ultrasound treatment for diffuse uterine leiomyomatosis:
a feasibility study
Eight patients with diffuse uterine leiomyomatosis (DUL) were admitted to the Department of Gynecology of Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital and underwent HIFU treatment. After an average of 5.9 months of follow-up after HIFU treatment, an average uterine volume reduction of 67.6% was observed. Menstruation returned to normal in all patients, and their serum hemoglobin and CA-125 levels also returned to normal after an average of 19.1 months of clinical follow-up. The quality of life of all patients improved significantly. This feasibility study shows HIFU treatment is safe and effective in the treatment of patients with DUL.
8位弥漫性子宫平滑肌瘤病患者在上海市第一妇婴保健院接受了高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)治疗。HIFU术后平均5.9个月随访的子宫体积平均缩小率达67.6%。所有患者月经恢复正常,HIFU术后平均19.1个月临床随访的血清血红蛋白和CA 125水平也恢复正常。所有患者的生存质量显著改善。这项可行性研究表明,HIFU治疗弥漫性子宫平滑肌瘤病是安全、有效的。
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International Guidelines on HIFU in OBGYN 国际妇科领域与HIFU相关的临床指南
HIFU included into the 2020 Chinese Experts' Consensus
on Diagnosis and Treatment of Adenomyosis
高强度聚焦超声消融治疗进入 2020年《子宫腺肌病诊治中国专家共识》
In June, 2020, the latest Chinese Experts' Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Adenomyosis was published by the Special Committee of Endometriosis of the Chinese Obstetricians and Gynecologists Association (COGA) on the Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, introducing the high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) ablative therapy as one of the interventional therapies for adenomyosis as well as the indications, contraindications and complications for HIFU in the treatment of adenomyosis. Indications for HIFU include: 1) symptomatic adenomyosis; 2) the thickness of uterine wall at the lesion >3 cm; 3) premenopausal women; 4) the lesion can be clearly displayed and positioned by the ultrasound imaging and a safe acoustic pathway can be established; 5) patients that ask to receive HIFU therapy.
2020 年 6 月,中国医师协会妇产科医师分会子宫内膜异位症专业委员会在中华妇产科杂志发表最新的《子宫腺肌病诊治中国专家共识》,将高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)消融治疗作为子宫腺肌病的介入治疗方式的一种纳入其中,并介绍了高强度聚焦超声消融治疗子宫腺肌病的适应症、禁忌症、并发症。高强度聚焦超声消融治疗的适应证包括:(1)有症状的子宫腺肌病;(2)病变处肌壁厚度>3 cm;(3)绝经前妇女;(4)机载影像学设备定位成功,有足够声通道;(5)患者要求HIFU治疗。
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No.1 Qingsong Rd, Renhe, Yubei Dist, Chongqing 401121, China